work on paper

Work on paper
Since the start of my career in the early ninetees the graphic arts have always been a companion to my painted or drawn work. Etchings in different techniques (line-,aquatint, open bite, burnishing, collagraphy and all sorts of experiments), sometimes painted in as a reference to ‘Epinal’ prints, a large painted-in etching on the ‘grande machine’-paintings ( 100 x 140 cm). Linocuts in large or smaller series, sometimes combined with painted-in ‘photographs’. Combinations of lino and silkscreen. Digital prints combined with or printed over painted images. Monotypes to accelerate a proces and to stimulate ‘chance’, to develop a storyline by adding unto a printed plate or just to help break a deadlock. Large linocuts of 100 x 140 cm’s ( there are 6 alltogether) often made in the end phase of a painting to help to define vague painterly areas and learn how to put on the ‘finishing touches’.
Sometimes, as with Grim 1 and 2, the monotypes at the gueststudio of the van Goghhouse and the lino’s 2003-2005, parts of this body of work were shown, but there has never been a overview of the work on paper.